Swimming pool high school Hubert Clement (L.H.C)
The upgrade of the swimming pool had an economical and environmental goal. The architecture particularly takes into consideration a conceptual design aiming to warranty more comfort to the visitors of the swimming pool, and an improvement of the acoustic as well. Regarding sustainability, the majority of the materials are reusable and eco-friendly.
Paul Wurth Geprolux was entrusted in the mission of Project Manager for the whole transformations, the revitalisation project, and the establishment of a new energy concept for the building as well.
Key figures
Built volume
15.000 m3
Built surface
4.800 m2
Project duration
2008 - 2010
Construction period
2009 – 2010
Our missions
- Program document
- Project preparation
- Project management
- Energy concept
- Project design
- Authorizations
- Contract management
- Construction site management
- Coordination of the works
- Acceptance
- Optimization of the consumptions
Design team
AM Braun & Weisgerber
Civil Engineer
Technical Engineer
Paul Wurth Geprolux en coopération avec Betic
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