27/06/2024 – Site visit: Extension of the wastewater treatment plant in Beggen
27 June 2024
On June 27, 2024, we had the pleasure of conducting a detailed site tour of our project, the extension of the wastewater treatment plant in Beggen, in connection with a meeting of the “Comité d’accompagnement permanent” which is supervising the funding of a significant part of the project via the “Fonds gestion de l’eau”.
The visit took place in the presence of the project owner, the City of Luxembourg, TR-Engineering and representatives from various Public authorities like the: Administration de la Gestion de l’eau, Administration de l’Environnement, Inspection générale des finances, Ministère de l’Environnement, du Climat et de la Biodiversité and Ministère de travaux Publics.
During the tour, the various construction phases and the impressive progress of the site were showcased. Our experts explained the technical details and innovative solutions that are contributing to the modernisation and efficiency enhancement of the plant.
A new project?